Billy: This time we will continue to learn how to find a job with a foreign company. 比利:这次我们将继续学习如何找到一份外企工作。
Molly: I still hunger to find a job at a foreign company. 莫莉:我仍然渴望在一家外企公司找到一份工作。
Starbucks is the latest foreign company to come under scrutiny from Chinese media over its pricing practices. 星巴克是最近以来由于售价问题受到中国媒体质疑的外国公司中的最新案例。
Cnooc Ltd. last year completed its purchase of Canada's Nexen in China's biggest acquisition of a foreign company and one of its most ambitious moves to secure resources abroad. 中国海洋石油(CnoocLtd.)去年完成了对加拿大尼克森公司(Nexen)的收购,这是中国迄今为止规模最大的海外收购案,也是中国最雄心勃勃的获取海外资源的举措之一。
One foreign company's pricing strategy was held up as exemplary. 一个外国公司的定价策略被作为榜样。
It is a cautionary tale for any foreign company seeking a joint venture in China. 对于任何希望在华组建合资企业的外国公司,这都具有警示作用。
I plan to find a good job in a foreign company after I graduate from school. 我计划毕业以后在一家外国公司找一份好的工作。
We are a foreign company located in Shanghai; actually we are looking for1 Chief Accountant. 我们是一家外国公司位于上海;我们实际上寻找一名适当的候选人被专门研究会计。
I hope to find a job in a foreign company. 我希望在外企找到一份工作。
I do not thought had the competence necessary to negotiate with a foreign company. 我认为我不具备同外国公司谈判所必需的能力。
A foreign company should meet the following requirements in order to obtain a trading license. 外国公司应符合下列要求才能获得经营许可证。
Thus, the extravagant business costs are negative for a city to attract foreign investment and foreign company. 如此一来,过高的商务成本必然对一个城市吸引外资、引进外企不利。
A foreign company with a subsidiary in Vietnam can directly distribute its products in the country. 一家在越南的外国公司可以直接子公司分布在该国的产品。
After his successful negotiation with a foreign company, our boss gave him a coat of many colors. 从他那次与一家外国公司的成功谈判之后,我们老板就对他另眼相看了。
Provide legal service for foreign company on purchasing, leasing and real estate mortgage. 为外商投资企业购买、租赁、抵押不动产等提供法律咨询;
The new airport is being built by a foreign company. 一家外国公司正在承建这座新机场。
HSBC for its part is not a typical foreign company in the Mainland. 汇丰银行在中国内地并不是典型的外国公司。
A foreign company assumes civil liability for the operational activities of its Branches within Chinese territory. 外国公司对其分支机构在中国境内进行经营活动承担民事责任。
For the Chinese, any foreign company that helps them open up new markets is a good partner. 对中国人来说,任何帮他们打开新市场的外国企业都是好的合作伙伴。
The French government has sometimes requested foreign company to divest themselves of their French subsidiaries. 法国政府有时要求外国公司放弃他们在法国的子公司。
A portfolio investment is the investment of money in the securities of a foreign company. 证券投资就是将资本投入外国证券市场。
That deal, too, generated fury among nationalists concerned about a foreign company acquiring a leading Chinese firm. 对外国公司收购中国领先企业感到担忧的民族主义者来说,这笔交易也让他们感到愤怒。
The Latest Developments in Foreign Company Law& Its Inspiration to China's 外国公司法的最新发展及对中国公司法的启示
Depository Receipt A negotiable financial instrument issued by a bank to represents a foreign company's publicly traded securities. 存托凭证银行发行的金融工具,代表一家国外公司的公开上市证券。
The increasing globalisation of our markets also means that we must enhance the comparability of foreign company financial statements. 我们市场的全球化程度日益增强,这也意味着我们必须增强与外国公司财务报表的可比性。
There is no legal hurdle at all, because Shanda is also a foreign company registered in CaymanIsland. 这样做根本不存在法律上的制约,因为盛大同样也是一家注册在开曼群岛的外资公司。
Our company recently consolidated with a foreign company. 我们的公司最近和一家外国公司整合了。
I wish I worked in a foreign company. 我希望我在外企工作。
In these day, we is negotiating with other three foreign company at the same time. 这些天来,我们同时在与另外三家外国公司谈判。